Thursday, June 19, 2008

Living it right

Do you feel a little frustrated from all of these advices regarding weight loss?

Let's keep you motivated, here is what I felt after loosing a couple of pounds (FAT).
  • I've already lost about 37 lbs of fat and have actually gotten stronger in my whole body at the same time! *Do take note that you need to loose FAT and not Muscles.
  • I sleep earlier and I wake up feeling great.
  • I feel I have energy to get through the day. - even without coffee ^_^
  • I am able to do more things than I never could before. No heavy feeling.
  • I am beginning to feel better and more confident about myself.

What I did to achieve this?

I first started by purchasing this really cheap Weight Watchers E-book Collection. The information I got really helped me achieving my goals.

If you feel that purchasing e-books wont help you, well, I too felt the same way. You only need to realize that you do not have to fight obesity alone. And with the e-book, I got to start a group with the same goals and I used that information and shared it with them.

I think you could start by first admitting to your self you indeed have a problem. Many of us think that you have to lose weight just to be more attractive. You really have to realize that its not about being attractive its about your life. LIFE.

In a recent government study, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that obesity is fast approaching tobacco as the top underlying preventable cause of death in the USA.

Thirty-four percent of U.S. adults are considered overweight, and an additional 31 percent are obese.

Now... Do you really think that its all about looking good?

I have tried to look for more information regarding the proper dieting. What
food groups to eat, when to eat, and why do you need to eat this... I only got fascinated with this Weight Watchers E-book Collection I purchased. It is a collection of e-books that would get you to start right. All you need to know about the diet plans and what you should really eat to lose those unwanted fat.

Would you like to
lose weight fairly quickly but not give up your carbs, so long as they are "good" carbs? Can you monitor your intake of foods to measure their Glycemic index, so that you are not only getting healthier but are also losing weight? Can you be disciplined about what you learn to eat as good fats and good carbs? I think you would be more interested if you visit the site yourself here.

If you would rather keep your motivation up, here is another book that could help you.

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